Three Pumpkin Pictures

Here are three pictures from last month taken on the night that we carved pumpkins. Maggie designed them totally and complelty and Barry exquisitely executed with the carving. I was in charge of the innards of the pumpkin and making sure the seeds were washed and roasted. Audrey was in charge of drawing on the paper that covered the table and assisting the rest of us . Excellent family tradition. Please excuse the posed family shot, but I was there and the self-timer proves it!!  

maggie barry carving

family carving pictures

The Little Pink Bumbo



Last night we had a bit of night-night drama with the kids… them being overtired and us being overtired. By the time Barry and I made it to bed, I was just d-o-n-e with the day. But the thought crossed my mind that a day will come when the little people in our lives aren’t little anymore. Us hugging them close and snuggling with them won’t always be the solution to their problems. It tugged at my heart because I don’t want to waste our time worrying about bedtimes, but more about enjoying them with each stage and age. As I feel asleep last night, I thought of our pink bumbo. 

It has been sitting in the garage for probably a year now,  collecting dust and I haven’t yet been able to pass it on or donate it. It is the one piece of small baby equipment that I’m wierdly attached to. That little molded chair was used daily for such a long time by both my girls. It went on trips with us and practically right up to when Audrey was born, the bumbo sat on our bathroom counter and Maggie would sit with Barry while he shaved or either of us brushed our teeth. Audrey showed her Danger Cat ways very early on and we quickly realized that the bumbo was no place for her while we took care of bathroom business. The bumbo got moved to the garage and has sat there, on a bin of baby clothes, ever since.  

I’m ready to pass it on and let somebody else get some use out of it, but being the sentimental nut that I am…’s to the bumbo and the ever-changing life of raising babies. 
audrey bellaudreybarry and the girlsbumpoIMG_0698IMG_0757IMG_0896IMG_1787IMG_1802IMG_1882IMG_1959IMG_2944IMG_4356IMG_6316maggie ^& audrey in yardmaggie bumbosisters-2untitled shoot-007-2untitled shoot-016