Coffee, Beer, Wine & Customer Service


We’re customer service nerds. We totally and completely geek out over a tiny bit of kindness and a whole lot of thought. That said, we’re also the customer that wants to be left alone and not bothered or questioned too much.

We discovered at each place we stayed, and we stayed in everything (hotel, motel, house, botique apartment, camping site) that they way of the New Zealand is to be accommodating to your guests in a kind and thoughtful way by leaving tea, sugar, coffee, a ‘plunger’ (french press) and a tiny bottle of milk in the fridge.

By the end of our month, we came to expect it and a few times, after long stretches of traveling, it felt nice to wake up to ‘something’ already  waiting for us. Little tiny amounts of sweetness.

Not to be forgotten, the beer and wine in lots of places were also in abundance. Once while I had run into the grocery store to get a bottle of wine, while the rest of the family waited in the car, I was stopped by a woman that worked there. She could tell I was trying to decide which bottle to take home and she quickly reached for a few and tried to shepherd me towards a tasting table….in the grocery store.

I politely declined, although I would have typically loved to sample a few wines, my family was waiting. The woman was concerned that I might not be happy with my purchase, without tasting it, but I assured her, we’d be fine. And I thanked her for caring.

Tiny bottles of milk, tea, sugar, and tastings in the grocery store….customer service nerds for life.



Home. It was a long stretch getting home, with us deciding to skip our flight in New Zealand (that would have been an hour) and drive the 9 hours and have some extra time to see a bit more of the North Island. Great choice, as we’re getting pretty good at the road trip lifestyle.

It should be said that we made it ALL the way home with zero pukes, a total and complete plus. We stopped in small towns along the way and these are two of the last pictures we took from our trip, photo credit goes to Maggie for the one of Barry and me. She always insists that we do a kissing one…ha!

Many, many more pictures and stories to share, but for now, I’m thankful to be home.



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The early part of my life was spent living with my family in a very small house with no running water or electricity. I have clear memories of kerosene lamps and outhouses….and it was the Eighties. I also remember that we had a bath tub next to our sauna that was propped up off the ground with room for a fire to be built under it to warm the water.  I so clearly can recall the feeling of my shoulders being cold from the outside air and my buns being too hot from the literal burning fire.

Our campsite at Lavericks Bay had an outdoor bathtub and the girls took a few baths in it after long days in the dirt and at the beach. Lucky for me, I took a few baths as well, but this time there was running water, flash lights, a box to prop my wine glass on, and stars shining bright above that I could appreciate……and room for my cute husband as well.