A year ago I was trying to make reservations on the phone for a trip to Harrison Hot Springs and I gave Audrey a bucket of raisins to let me finish the conversation. The man on the phone heard me pass them to her and told a long-winded story of how he had a raisin farm with his wife and how important he thinks raisins are for children. I agreed, but mostly think that raisins are for mamas that need to get things done sometimes. A couple days ago I was trying to get dinner ready and Audrey hijacked the bag of raisins and planted herself by my feet. As you an see, not much has changed. The Pug is still interested, Audrey loves rasins, and I was able to get a few things done. Win, win, win!
Done With the Beach: Audrey & Papa
We Like to Color Outside the Lines
We are getting back in to the groove of things here, and as I meet up with friends I haven’t seen over the summer, I’ve been asked what we did all summer. Quite frankly, I don’t know how to answer that. We really didn’t do much of anything, but then when I say that I start to feel lame. As if we should have gone on some grand adventure (because who doesn’t love a Grand Adventure??). But as I look at recent pictures, and those that tell the story of the end of our nice weather and summer days, I realize that we had a good, artistic time here at home.
As much as I want my girls to know the world and the life of travel, being home is something that I equally want them to know. Being home and finding that time to be creative or at peace with using their imaginations is essential. We realized that we’d fallen into a rut with Maggie starting to think that she automatically got ‘screen time’ each day and it was becoming a challenge in our day-to-day routine The 30 minute video became a focal point for her and it became a struggle. We, as a family, decided to take a break from any screen time for the month of August and it was wonderful. Having that conversation completely eliminated from our lives was really great. We haven’t ventured into ‘being bored’ yet, but I’m sure some day that will become a complaint….and I’m okay with my kids being bored. Not having ‘videos’ as a way to relax or something to look forward to helped her to really engage in other aspects of her life that she enjoys. (In all honesty, why don’t more adults turn off the TV or set down the phones??)
I play with the girls because I like to and it is way to stay connected and to use my own imagination; however, there’s something to be said for NOT being involved with the imaginative play and having the only sound be the thoughts floating in your head. For this reason, I tend to try to step back and not control what the girls are doing once I’ve set them up with a project. It means that messes get made and toys mixed up, but it also means that they get to be creative without any ‘rules,’ coloring outside of the lines essentially.
No, we didn’t do any humgous trips this year.
Yes, we did get outside a ton.
No, I don’t think I should sign my kids up for more activities. I like them home.
Yes, I think I’m raising amazing children.
Yes, I’m working on saying “yes” more.
Yes, my children are happy being home because I’m happy being home.