The Quilter in Her



mom and maggie

My mom has the nickname “Fidget” in our family because she has a hard time, as Maggie would say, ‘taking a chill pill.’ My mom is a mover and a shaker, a woman that gets things done before the rest of the world has even opened their eyes. For as long as I can remember, she’s been a maker, a creator, and somebody that likes to learn how to do new things. Rug making, basket weaving, doll making, clothes making, what have you, she’s probably dabbled into it. She’d probably never brag-talk about her quilting that she’s gotten into in recent years, but that’s where I come in. We photographed most of the quilts she’s made a few weeks ago. They are astoundingly gorgeous. She has also given quite a few away, those aren’t pictured here, obviously. I’m working on a photo book that includes a bit of her thinking about each one. This is a preview to that, I suppose. Enjoy and, quilters, be amazed!

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Megan, Jamie & Talisa

My beautiful cousin Megan is my eldest girl cousin on my mom’s side of the family. We’re similar in that we both take after the Lowman side of the family and we tend to be bossy in the very best of ways. We have an on-going joke about how Megan (and the other cousins she bossed around (ha, ha!) formed a Cousin’s Club when we were younger. Danielle, Megan’s younger sister, and I were not invited into the club. Now that I’m grown, I’m pretty sure that Danielle and I would have been co-presidents of the club and that’s why Megan said we couldn’t be in the club.  Anyhow, Megan asked if I’d take some pictures of her with her step-daughter and her step-daughter’s partner. I love how they turned out. 

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Not Too Fast


I’m a gigantic sucker for sentimental imges, especially ones that show change over time. I can say that it got worse when Maggie was born and I started taking the chair pictures for her monthly picture. It was captivating how much changed from month to month, not just with her, but with the lighting and even memories about where I was personally. mags oldie

Tonight when Maggie was flinging around a pair of jammies on her head (I’d asked her to take them off because she’s be too hot…I told her she’d melt and she told me, matter of factly, “mama, people don’t melt” with huge eyes. No, Maggie, no, they don’t) an image of 2 month old Maggie popped into my head. At the time that was exactly what she looked like, with the huge eyes, tiny nose and chubby cheeks. 

And today’s picture still has round cheeks, a small nose and huge eyes. Still such a little girl…who likes to hear that, even though she’s growing (“not too fast, Mama”), she’ll always be my first baby. Indeed, she will. 


Because a post these days really woudn’t be a post without Little Sissy popping in, I thought I’d share how they both brush their teeth.

Paging, Danger Cat!! 
