Happy Baking and Tea Season

This morning as I was walking out the door to go to work (Did I fail to mention that I’ve been going to work from time to time and leaving Barry to be Mr. Mom? I did? Well, it’s true.) I remarked to Barry that it is officially Tea Season.

I love Tea Season because it means that I get to sip on warm tea and dunk deliciously soft cookies into my warm beverage and enjoy blustery days. I love blustery days. Tea Season happens to coincide with Baking Season, another one of  my favorite seasons. Baking Season involves baking healthy things, but also the aforementioned cookies and other tasty treats.


Maggie has discovered that the kitchen is a very exciting place to be and wants to be in on all the action. A couple weeks ago we made pizza and she loved smooshing the dough in between her fingers and spreading the sauce. The girl has already started to recognize that when the mixer comes out, the beaters usually get covered in something tasty. It’s hard to deny that licking the bowl clean isn’t enjoyable, even as an adult.


In other kitchen related news, one of my twitter friends (Did I fail to mention that I’m on twitter? I did? Well, I am. Want to be friends?) posted this video and it is simply genius. Too bad we’re not having massive amounts of garlic tonight with our dinner.



I went to the grocery store today to load up on all things delicious and healthy and guess what?!

Egg nog is here!

Yep, three cheers for the Nog!!

Hip, hip, hooray!

For a few years now I’ve been sharing with Chaya when I have my annual First Shot. I have shots of egg nog because, in my opinion, that is the only real way to enjoy the drink.

100% Nog, People!

Anyhow, we’ve sent Chaya pictures and videos of Nog Lovin’ Extravaganza, but this year Barry did play-by-play over the phone as I ceremoniously had my first drink.

You might be lucky enough to enjoy a taste of that experience since our video camera is up and running, lucky you.

Nog Lover, OUT!