A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to take some pictures of our friend’s daughter, Jenna, and her cousin Kailey. Jenna’s dad, Jeff, is a friend of Barry’s from their preschool days. The story goes Barry sucker-puched Jeff because Jeff wouldn’t share his Valentine’s candy. This is only funny now because Barry no longer punches people and Jeff would share his candy in heartbeat.
It was a blustery cold day and poor Jenna had enough by the end of it. Kailey is like Maggie and hardly gets cold, so she was happy to do wind-sprints around to keep busy. I’m no nugget expert, but I’m quite certain that both girls qualify as nuggets. Cutie-Patooties!
I’m loving that more opportinites are presenting themselves to me in terms of photography. Thanks to Jill, Krissa and Myrene for being adventurous with me that day!
Check out Jill’s blog here.
Here are some of my favorite images from the day: