Douglas & Tiger

This is Tiger:Tiger

This is Douglas:


This is Sydney, Tiger and Douglas.

Syd, Tiger & Doug

Sydney loves Doug more than she loves Tiger.


A whole lot more.


Tiger gets left behind, even though he was once her favorite.


Poor, poor Tiger.


Sometimes I guess that’s just how it goes.

Staycation Continues


Barry’s parents and grandparents came to visit and it was so wonderful to have them here to enjoy part of our Staycation.  I had the delicious opportunity to make Pioneer Woman’s Strawberry Shortcake Cake; however, I conveniently forgot to mix in the dry ingredients before I put it in the oven….it’s okay now, but there were a series of events that led me to believe that perhaps there would be no cake. Luckily, it was delicious.












Plus, we got a new dog. Isn’t she cute?









chicken wire

Kidding, kidding…


We went to Larc’s (Lara +Marc = Larc) house and met their new dog, Jazzy. She is amazingly well behaved and super cute.  The Tubby Torpedo stayed home because the last time that we visited Larc with Sydney she ended up hiding under a chair all night. We figured that she’d probably rather stay home than go to the country to hide under a chair.

The last time that we went to visit Lara and Marc we showed up in the dark and left in the dark, so it was great to finally see their house during the day light hours.

They are in the process of building a chicken pen for their little chicks. Turns Bmills & Arcoout, one of the hens is a rooster. Bertha is no longer Bertha, if you catch my drift…

Aside from the chicken pen and dog-watching, I got to drive a hauler-type machine. It was glorious, simply glorious. It was like a wheel barrow on steroids. I felt like it was going so fast while moving it from one side of the house to the other, but Marc informed me that that it maxes out at 5 miles per hour. Hearing that didn’t make it any less glorious.

Our staycation was superb because we got to see some people that we love, but we also got a lot done around the house.  I’m glad we’re not just getting home from a long drive after being couped up in the car needing to unpack and get ready for the week. Instead, we’re going to bbq and relax in our own sanctuary without the worries of a vacation ending, our staycation just keeps on giving, and giving.




Last night we had some friends over to bbq and go to see Handful of Luvin’ in kurtKirkland.

What. a. night.

It all started when Kurt decided to wear his yellow striped shirt. I kid you not. Random things kept happening to him. I can’t go into too much detail, but the gist of it is that all 11 of our group members were astounded by the power/awkward moments that the yellow shirt yielded.

The moral of the story is that those Lennox siblings stick up for each other.

Brian and his friend, Kevin,  stopped by, but were planning on hitting up another concert. They even had matching shirts to prove their loyalty to Joe & Gwenthe other band. I kid you not. They were somewhat impressive.

Brian had to tell Christina about the fact that his car had been returned after being stolen for the second time. Again, I kid you not. His car got stolen….twice. Same car, two times. I can’t make this stuff up, folks.

As I mentioned earlier, we headed to Kirkland to watch Handful of Luvin’ perform. This wasn’t before Led Foot Debbie left with her car full Adam, Kurt, Tami, and Chach and randomly stopped at a nearby casino…I think it had something to do with the aforementioned yellow striped shirt.

In Joe’s car we were squeezed in listening to rock music from the Eighties. Although I was born in 1980, I have very little knowledge about any music made from 1980-1991. Barry is the same way. The result of this is conversations that sound like this:barry

Music Begins

Christina: Hey! I love this song!

Gwen: Yeah, it’s a good one! Turn it up.

Hannah: Hmmm, I don’t know this song.

Joe: Yeah you do, just listen.

Barry: I’m not sure that I know it either…

Music continues, gets turned up.

Gwen, Joe, and Christina: singing together.

Me: Yep, still don’t know it.

When we all reached our destination, we made our way into the Wild Rover and boogied on down.