Here’s why I had a great day yesterday:
1. I got to sleep in because my mom and dad had a sleep over at our house and they were in charge of the Dog Pound.
2. We had very topic-appropriate (sportsmanship) assembly at school that my students totally got. Not only were there UW basketball players, but I got to see Tracy hoop-it-up. Very funny.
3. My parents came to school. I love it when my family comes to school.
4. My dad basically taught the science lesson, which included testing 20 items to see if the would float or sink. It was soaking wet, and very fun to see him manage the classroom. Favorite quote from Flip: “I wonder if I should have taught them about surface tension.”
5. My mom brought Sparky in to do some tricks. Of course all the kids went w-i-l-d! At least there wasn’t water involved. Dogs motivate everyone, that I know for sure. Favorite quote from Janet: “Does anyone else want a turn?” All 22 hands flew up and surrounded her like bees to a hive.
6. I got to eat lunch with my mom and dad. I love them, spending time with my mom and dad always, always, always makes me happy.
7. I had an uncomfortable meeting after school, but thankfully I work with fantastic people that check up on me.
8. Those fantastic people and I went to the best local pizza joint in town to eat some tasty pizza.
9. My wonderful husband, like my parents, always, always, always makes me happy. Lounging on a Friday night is not bad, especially with good conversation.
10. Falling asleep with a good book has never made me unhappy.