Sometimes Being Wrong Feels Right


Even though this picture is super blurry, I love it. This is the moment right after my mom cut the cake and said,


She could see the inside of the cake perfectly, but nobody else could and there was a beat when nobody else knew what she meant with her shocked comment. Then, she lifted her arm up and said that we’re having a girl. Everyone cheered and clapped and then shouted if they were right!

I love this picture because you can see my older brother, Phil, grinning in the background. Isn’t he cute? I also love this picture becuase my mom’s smile, although blurry, is pure happiness. Plus, look at my cousin, Cora, she’s right up there with her camera capturing the moment. She’s a better photographer, so her moment is probably not blurry.

The blurriness of the photo can remind me that I was too busy reeling from the excitment to make sure my camera was focused. I really love this blurry photo.

Under the Weather


Sydney spent last night at the vet and it was heartbreakingly awful. Now she’s home and resting up, but the last 24 hours of not knowing what was wrong with her has been emotionally draining. Yesterday she had been acting very strange and was shaking horribly and didn’t want to be touched. She could hardly move.

If you know anything about Sydney, you must be aware of the fact that she’s all about touching and wanting to be asclosetoyouaspossible, so this was very strange behavior. The vet had an appointment available yesterday afternoon and we rushed her in. (And by ‘we’ I mean that Brian happened to be home and so he got to come with me…).

Seeing Syd at the vet’s office was even more heartbreaking because it was clear that she was in a lot of pain. They decided to keep her for the night and run some tests. It was at this point that I started crying, it was also at this point that Brian probably was wondering what in the world had he done to be roped into this emotional mess, but I appreciated him being there.

X-Rays, blood work and many hours later it turns out our little dog either has a kidney stone to pass or has tweaked her back. We’re supposed to keep her from jumping on things and from moving too much. Currently, she’s trying to catch up on the 12 hour nap she missed today while she was at the vet’s office, so it won’t be too difficult. I’m more worried that Barry and Brian might run out of things to do around the house now that they can’t be quarterback to her running back – throwing Tiger & Turtle up and down the hallway.

As much as I appreciate our vet, I am beyond happy that Syd is back home with us. I need her to saddle up to my belly and let some huge snores out!