Paid in Love

I get the magazine Mamalode in the mail and always want to give it a little smooch when it shows its pretty little self in my mailbox. The content is astounding because it is written by mothers for mothers. And sometimes I need a swift kick in my mama-toosh.

Like lately I’ve needed that swift kick in the toosh because I’ve become a worry-wart about the future of this motherhood thing I’ve been doing. Shouldn’t I be gearing up to go back to school? Shouldn’t I be freaking out about my old job? Lots of mothers work, why can’t I?

My ears burn at comments made about working mothers and I have internal battles with myself about what that term really means. Working mothers. Aren’t all mothers working in some capacity? Does collecting a paycheck really make a better mother? Does not collecting a paycheck really make a better mother? Aren’t all mothers working to better their family?

When I cozy up to Mamalode and paw through the pages, I again am able to align myself and figure “it” out for a quick second. Someday I’ll probably be a mother that collects a paycheck.

And that’s fine.

Right now I’m not that mother.

I get to stay home.

I am that mother.

Just like the seasons of the year, this too will eventually change. It works for our family right now. This doesn’t mean that I don’t miss teaching because I do. Dearly. But for this next year I am again choosing a different path and my version of working doesn’t involve a paycheck.

As my internal battle rages on about under-appreciated paycheck-collecting mothers and non-paycheck-collecting mothers alike, please know that I’m getting paid in full by sloppy smooches from my littlest worker. This makes all things right in my world.

And for now I’m happy to be that mother.

I Blame the Weather



















Last week we met up with Charlyn, Beth and their kids at the zoo on a rainy day and I thought we were all pretty cool for being there when the weather was so nasty. We donned rain jackets, sweatshirts and Beth’s kids busted out their umbrellas. We were living the Pacific Northwest Dream, raindrops and all. It was a fantastic day and Maggie enjoyed seeing all the different animals that we’ve been reading about. There were no complaints about the weather and we all enjoyed following the lead of the older boys, who were in charge of the map.

This picture is from the HB archives, the scooter did not come with us to the zoo and the warm weather didn't either. Just the cute, cute kids.




















I started this week out with a bit more hope about the weather and we spent some time outside Monday while visiting Caroline & the rest of the crew for a couple hours. We even had a picnic dinner outside in our yard and scrubbed out the Sandy Lagoon thinking that surely the weather will become SCORCHING anytime now because 40 other states are melting in the heat. MELTING.

We’re not melting. Not even close. I keep looking at the popsicles in my freezer and think that it is just too dang cold to enjoy a popsicle in JULY.  I’m no longer proud about going out in the rain and doing stuff. Instead I’m grumpy about doing activities inside that I thought I’d reserve for special Fall and Winter days.  Maggie inherited a play kitchen from the Merks (as Barry calls them) and has been happy enough to do some work from time to time. I’ve found her in there a few times busily stacking cups and plates; however, I also found her in the bathroom unraveling the toilet paper, so I’m pretty sure she is starting to get stir-crazy too.

Where Are You Summer?

Short of writing a whole post complaining about our lack of sun, I’m feeling a little lackluster in the word department lately.  Maybe I’m feeling this way due in part to the fact that I’m wearing a FREAKING DOWN VEST and if my calendar is correct it says JUNE.  Within a span of two days, Maggie went from streaking nudie around our yard to needing to be fully clothed in a sweater to brave the outdoors.  Seriously.



















At least we’ve got some great inside jokes that don’t really ever die. Like the basket on Maggie’s head seems to always be a good one and she has fallen in love with having a little bowl of snacks set up so that she can wander around return to her snack station when needed. Sydney loves it too.  Also, Maggie has discovered all the goodness that my make-up drawer holds. Thankfully she hasn’t figured out how to roll the lipstick up yet…



















We’ve had a ton of visitors, but my camera never seems to document our friends and family as much as it should, they’re all beautiful.  Just today Chach and I went and walked around U. Village just for the sake of doing something.  Maggie was in a stellar mood until we meandered into a candy store and she wanted to touch everything and insisted on no longer being carried.  Does she even know what candy is? I think it might have been my first experience of just walking out of a store with a screaming child.



It seems like The Morsels (Sydney and Maggie) are two of a kind lately, chasing, squealing, sharing toys; however trying to get Sydney to go outside when the weather is anything but perfect is a battle, she loves to stay in bed and snore. Sometimes it can be funny and quite enearing, but sometimes it shocks me what a weather wimp she can be. Aside from wanting to be in bed  all day, I think I get where she’s coming from.

Anytime now, Summer, Anytime.