In July we were visiting my mom and dad for a few days. Just like any other day while we were there, my mom had Audrey in the garden watering things before the sun got too high in the sky. It’d been a late, late night and an earlier morning for Little Miss Augie, and before my mom knew it Audrey fell asleep on top of her head while watering. This happened about 15 minutes after I snapped these pictures, I’d gone back inside to find a newspaper and coffee. It’s hard work to help Grammy in the garden when you’re a year and a half old.
The Quilter in Her
My mom has the nickname “Fidget” in our family because she has a hard time, as Maggie would say, ‘taking a chill pill.’ My mom is a mover and a shaker, a woman that gets things done before the rest of the world has even opened their eyes. For as long as I can remember, she’s been a maker, a creator, and somebody that likes to learn how to do new things. Rug making, basket weaving, doll making, clothes making, what have you, she’s probably dabbled into it. She’d probably never brag-talk about her quilting that she’s gotten into in recent years, but that’s where I come in. We photographed most of the quilts she’s made a few weeks ago. They are astoundingly gorgeous. She has also given quite a few away, those aren’t pictured here, obviously. I’m working on a photo book that includes a bit of her thinking about each one. This is a preview to that, I suppose. Enjoy and, quilters, be amazed!
Grammy’s Garden
First, thanks for your messages and comments regarding my last post. I’m feeling excited, bright-eyed and adventurous about the future. I’m brewing some ideas and who knows where it’ll go, but it feels good to have encouragement from very important people in my life.
We went up to A-town last week for a few days, while Barry was out of town, and when we pulled into my parent’s driveway it was about two shakes before my mom and the girls were working in the garden pulling potatoes out. These shots were all taken within the first 15 minutes of being there. Doesn’t take long to get your feet dirty at Grammy and Grampy’s house, just the way they like it.
I grew up in a home where we always, always had a garden. I’d be given the salt shaker to take out to the garden to shake on any slugs, and sometimes I feel like I’m doing my girls a disservice not having a huge, spectacular garden to stomp around in. I have some very vague memories of honeysuckles and the wood in the house we lived in until I was 5. But then I double check my thumbs and they haven’t turned green, so I find a way to make peace with it and appreciate all the hard work and beauty that my mom’s garden provides.
(And these pictures are only a slice of things that are growing…)