Baby Lovin’

At my parent’s house there is a basket of toys for kids to play with. Of all the goodies that Sydney could possibly get her paws on, she always finds the plastic baby doll and drags it across the room.

When she’s reached her destination – most often next to the warm fire – she proceeds to lick and gnaw on the poor plastic baby.

When Syd has had sufficient amount of time licking and gnawing, she cuddles up next to the naked baby and…..

sleeps. We’re hoping that Sydney doesn’t treat HBaby in such a way.

She’s Baaaaack!

After spending a week at Frat Camp Janet Sydney is finally back at HBHQ; however, all she wants to do is recover from her wild vacation with the Elvrum North Dog Pack. Last night as we were going to bed Barry pointed out how much energy she must exert up at Camp Janet because when she comes back to us she melts into a Puddle of Pug. As my dad put it, we need to put her on the DL to allow for proper recovery. It appears that Sydney put herself on the DL list, so no need to worry. sydney




The Very Best of Friends

syd and spark

When Sparky is around Sydney becomes a very different dog. Gone are the five hour naps, the lap-neediness, and the interest in the every move made by either myself or Barry.

Instead she fixates on Sparky trying to entice a game out of him by hitting him with her left paw or body slamming him with her tubby rolls. He ignores her for the most part, but every so often he’ll rally enough interest to sprint around the yard letting her chase. If Sydney is really lucky, Sparky will chase her and all her badgering will have paid off.

When Sparky left Sydney started whining and barking at his getaway car that was headed back to Camp Janet. It was really sad, but now she’s back to her five hour naps, lap-neediness, and interest in our every move.

Poor little pup.
