

Camp Janet

I’m hanging out at Camp Janet for the next few days and as I tour around my mom’s gardens I am so amazed at what my eyes see. It seems like there are no weeds and that everything truly has a life of its own. Back at HBHQ our garden is a hodge podge of both weeds and some flowers, I’m not sure if things are closer to life or death. Growing up my parents always had beautiful gardens and I now realize that I took for granted all the hard work that they put in to create such beauty. Now that I have gardens of my own I find that I have not inherited their green thumbs. Coming to Camp Janet makes me realize this, but I also know that I can tap into my mom’s knowledge as a source to help my gardens become a better version than what they are right now. 

On a side note, Sydney has now fully acclimated to being a part of the dog pack that runs wild here. She’s got her collar off and is accepted into the crew without a second thought. It is so hilarious to see them all run around together because one is not like the other.  From Tonka’s lumbering walk to Sparky’s Terrier Tendencies, and Taggert’s playfulness, Sydney’s happy-go-lucky attitude is a perfect contribution to the Camp Janet Dog Pound. Plus, she likes the all you can eat buffet on the back porch.