Welcome, February!

Thomas and Lara came to HBHQ today so we could all head down to Seattle and attempt to run around Green Lake. We successfully completed a lap around the lake with no blood, a bit of sweat, and zero tears. Wahoo!! It was a fantastically beautiful day today and the lake was a bit crowded with every other Seattleite wanting to soak up the sun.

After our run (by the way, I’m using the term ‘run’ super loosely here because it was more of a jog, really) we went to U. Village to walk around and grab a bite to eat. Aside from Thomas needing to borrow a pair of Maggie’s leggings, the babes did great. We got to eat sushi (yummy, yummy in my tummy) and zip in and out of all the fun stores.

Sometimes I wish I was better at toting my camera around, but at this point I’m still carrying Maggie 99% of the time and it just feels like a bit lunky to haul around. I find myself wishing I could document more. I did happen to catch a couple pictures of Mags and Thom when they arrived at HBHQ. Maggie has a tendency to maul Thomas and he has a tendency to get upset about it. We’re working on them being happy together and accepting their differences.

Work, Work, Work

Ever since I updated the shelf in Maggie’s room, she has loved to go and ‘work’ on all the books and baskets full of goodies. Many, many times through out our day I’ll find Maggie working away on her shelf.

While she’s working away, she’ll check periodically to make sure that I’m still watching her and then she’ll get back to business. Barry and I notice that she’s been clocking in some overtime hours since the remodel.

She seems happy enough with the new working conditions, so it is a win-win for everyone.

And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon…

Maggie is discovering new things every single moment of every single day and she celebrates each discovery by touching it with her hands, tasting it with her tongue and seeing if it moves.

The other day we were content to let her “discover” the dishwasher, mostly because we were thankful that Sydney’s food wasn’t getting destroyed. The pure glee that Maggie showed with the dishwasher was hilarious. I don’t share the same level of enthusiasm.

Personally, I don’t really love our dishwasher and  don’t think about it much beyond loading it and emptying it when necessary.

Loading and unloading, along with every other mundane task, has taken on a new meaning with such an active baby in tow.

She certainly isn’t ready for her own list of chores, but I’m beginning to think that she’ll be a very helpful pipsqueak to have along for the ride of ‘keeping house.’

As long as what we’re doing is safe….because if we’re not safe, someone might get hurt. Mmm-kay?