Thom ~ Thom and Getting Ready for G & G

Although we were unable to see Thomas Wednesday for our scheduled play date, we were able to see him for a short bit on Monday. It was a delight, as always. It is becoming more and more challenging to get pictures of these two hooligans because inevitably one of them wants to bust a move.

More later, my parents are coming to visit and we need to be ready to show them how fun it can be to push the Radio Flyer up and down the hall over and over again.

The Other Side of Sickness

The last few days around here have been rough. Maggie had been sick, but it looks like she is in full recovery mode now. Having a child that is sick is the absolute worst thing in the world. I don’t think I’ve felt so helpless in my life and I don’t look forward to the next time we have to go down that road.

Last night her fever peaked at 103 and both Barry and I nearly had a panic attack, but thankfully she responded quickly to the Tylenol and she had her first solidish night of sleep in a few days. I took her to the doctor yesterday, but aside from what we were already doing, there wasn’t much more to be done.

I haven’t wanted to write about her being sick because it was really heartbreaking – the sparkle was missing from her eyes and her energy level was at zero. But this morning she popped up and promptly started waving at us and before we knew it she was making hot laps up and down the hallway with her Radio Flyer push cart.

We had to cancel on a few people today (sorry, Tamara, Cole & Larry!) and we didn’t make it to the library for storytime, but Maggie has been using her sparkle all around the house today and I’m sure by tomorrow we’ll be fully recovered. Never have I been so happy for the Naptime Battle.

I know that when I was sick as a kid the only thing that truly made me feel better was my parents, not even the “I’m Sick”  7 – Up cheered me up. We certainly weren’t giving Mags 7-Up yesterday, but it was clear that she just wanted to be held by us, and so we held her knowing that a little TLC can go a long, long way.

To health!!

Bites, Zits and The Speed Queen

I’ve got a huge red splotch on my nose from a bite-kiss that Maggie planted on me the other day. I knew that she got me pretty good, but when I woke up yesterday I was shocked to see the damage that she did. It kind of looks like a zit, but having a zit on the bridge of my nose isn’t exactly my idea of a dream. So it goes, right?

Things could certainly be worse, but they’re not. I came upon Maggie and Barry having a quiet moment the other morning and I about melted into a puddle because it was so cute. Maggie takes a while to wake up and they were having a quiet conversation about the upcoming events in our day….one of which happened to be the death of The Old Speed Queen.

Yep, our dryer broke. Maybe Maggie knew it was going to happen and was trying to prevent anymore dirty clothes from needing to be washed; none the less, we’re waiting until next weekend to get a new one because apparently there is a HUGE warehouse sale that we MUST attend, according to the sales guy. I figure if the sales guy is telling us to wait for the HUGE sale, we better check it out.

Either way, our laundry pile is growing, but so is the bite mark on my nose…maybe it is a zit after all.