Guilt Trip

Today was one of those days that was filled by everything and nothing in the same moment. As I type this Maggie is riding in the Bjorn trying to sleep and Sydney is outside lounging.

I found myself at the grocery store at 7 AM, I left Maggie in Barry’s arms as he watered the lawn and packed his lunch – multi-tasker that Man of Mine!

After I came home Maggie and I headed out to drop off a donation at Value Village, pick up some supplies at Michael’s and go to Costco. All places that Sydney would not love and she really can’t wait in the car with this heat.

Sydney gets so excited when we get home and she typically sniffs and wags around Maggie’s car seat and sniffs me to try and figure out where I went (without her – the nerve!).

Today instead of the typical sniffing and wagging, she just sat and stared at me looking super upset. We had a staring contest for a while and then I offered her some cheese – I think we’re on good terms now.

I was worried there for a moment.

I think she has forgiven Maggie as well.

You Don’t Get to the 90th Percentile by Not Eating

Yesterday Maggie had her 2 month appointment and she is in the 90th percentile for weight and the 95th for height. I found this quite amazing becuase never in my life have I been the tallest anything in comparison to my peers.

Now I have daughter that is tipping the top of the charts.

We’re so proud.