Yesterday Barry encouraged me to head out of the house for a few hours and spend some time on my own and so I did.
It was strange.
It was odd.
I turned the heat up in the car and pumped up the music, but it just felt weird.
I found myself heading to Anthropologie but got lost along the way and pulled over to call Barry to check in.
I missed my family and I’d been gone for less than an hour.
Can you say w-i-m-p-y?
Maggie got up early yesterday morning and we all went on a long walk around the neighborhood and so it wasn’t as if I was really missing out on any sense of togetherness. When I called to check in I could hear Maggie babbling in the background and Barry had already started doing some projects that we’d talked about around the house. He informed me that Maggie had to take a break from all the task-mastering and was having a snack.
After I hung up I marveled at how grown up our little family felt in the short conversation. Maggie taking a snack, Barry completing projects and me off spending a few minutes alone. Oh, and Syd probably snoring in some corner of the house.
Today is Valentine’s Day and a day for love. Mostly at our house we try to do things for each other all year long, but today is a bit more special. After getting out of the house for a couple hours yesterday, I was more than happy to end up back home with my Man, slobbery-kissy daughter and silly dog.
Of course they are my Valentines today and I wouldn’t change a thing.