New Fence @ HBHQ

We’ve known for quite a while that we needed a new fence along the West part of our property, but we tend to take forever to make decisions about making changes/updates to our home. We’d been living with a leaning fence for years and a gate that was really just a bit of chicken wire nailed up. We’re not fancy people, but it was really not fancy. My dad, claiming he wanted to be sure to have a yard for Sparky to run around in, because Sydney wouldn’t escape, cleared some time in his schedule and came down to fix our fence up. I don’t officially have any ‘after’ pictures here, but it looks dandy now. My mom was able to come down as well and watch the girls while I cleaned out our garage. It was therapeutic to purge a TON of junk. I think I took two huge truck loads to the Goodwill. They asked if we were moving…..that’s how much stuff I got rid of.

My grandparents were also able to come over during the fence building and my grandpa and Maggie pounded some nails in togetther. The combination of them working on the fence was both loud and sweet. They were both talking at eachother, neither really listening to what the other was saying, but both laughing. Those two have a special bond.

My mom also planted a few pots with Maggie/Construction Sal‘s help. I was happy to be working in the garage and I know my mom was happy to get her hands dirty with the girls, so it all worked out just fine…..

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Visiting 3G & Great Grandpa

One of the very best reasons about living in the area that we do, is that my grandparents live a short drive away. Over the years of being here, we’ve spent a fair share of time visiting with them at their house; however, my most favorite visit was a few weeks ago. We packed Maggie’s bike and she rode up and down the driveway, after helping to set out cones with my Grandpa. Audrey, not one to be forgotten, got to be pulled up and down the driveway in the wagon, and she was delighted about it. She spent most of the time singing and humming and squeaking excited sounds. My grandpa pulled and walked with the girls until he was tired, and my grandma was able to watch everything by sitting on the tailgate of the Element.Eventually the sun went down and we headed inside for dinner, but it was a golden hour in more than one way. 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-2 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-3 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-4 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-5 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-6 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-7 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-8 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-9 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-10 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-11 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-12 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-13 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney-14 3G and great grandpa visit maggie audrey sydney

Christmas Eve Walk, Dinner & Present Time

As a kid, one of the things that our family did occasionally on Christmas Eve was go on a hike or a walk together before dark. I wanted to rush though the day so we could open presents and SANTA could come the next morning. During college, because I was working a retail job in my hometown, I often worked Christmas Eve to earn the big bucks and missed out on this time. Over the last decade or so Christmas Eve and the walk that precedes our crab feast has easily established itself as one of my very, very favorite traditions. I can’t explain it, but the time together very much feels like the calm within a storm. The clock stops ticking for us – when do we need to leave, what time do we need to get there, did we pack everything up, have the girls napped, we forgot to bring the wine, or the presents, can you call ahead and say we’re going to be late, unplug the tree before we leave, why are you grumpy, i’m not grumpy, where are we going, what are we doing – all those thoughts and conversations stop and we can just BE and take it all in. And then we eat crab and my heart, soul and tummy all are happy.

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