Happy Easter

This morning when the Easter Bunny showed up on our doorstep  it looked suspiciously like a little girl that had TWO birthday parties this weekend and is one year old, plus a few days.

Of all the gifts that this Birthday Girl/Easter Bunny chose to attach herself to, on this morning after presents rained down on her, was our old, old iPod from 2004. She kept looking at it like she was going to check her e-mail or send an important message to her friends.

In an attempt to trade out the old, old iPod for a new, new toy this is what happened: Square Mouth.

So we let her play with it and  she showed us that the backlight still works and we’ve got an option to have our calendar information stored on the small device.

In return for letting her keep the iPod, she shot us some extra cheesy looks and wiggled her cute toes, all while holding on to the white Pod. Oh, brother.

Not one to be left out of the action, Sydney dragged herself to our shooting location and hopped into place to have a few shots taken. Of course she needed to have a prop too, since Mags got the almighty iPod. Mr. P. did the job just fine, don’t you think?

Reunion 2011

Yesterday Sydney came back home to us and today both her and Maggie are getting reacquainted.  Just this afternoon we spent some time outside and Sydney was able to soak up some sun, Maggie tried eating dirt and 9 flowers and I did some weeding.

In my baby book my mom did an amazing job of writing things down about what I was up to every month or so and this morning I read about me at 13 months helping in the garden, eating rocks and playing with our cat Buoy. I also was pretty good at playing with my toy carrot at the pool and falling into my mom’s arms to get it and a proud, picky eater. All of that sounds kind of familiar.

Yesterday was my dad’s birthday and my parents happened to stop by for dinner before they went to a concert. Mags gifted Flipper with the best thing in the world ~ a tarp!! He was beyond excited. All kidding aside, his reaction was super sweet, telling Maggie that he was going to ‘save’ the tarp so they could work together to set up a fort next time she comes to visit, using chairs and tables alike.

Not much more to say, except we’re getting ready to celebrate somebody’s first birthday. Any idea who that might be?

Problems in the Pillow Department

Somebody (my mom) once told me that I have a Pillow Problem. Considering there are 8 pillows on our bed right now, I’m not in the position to say that she is wrong. Who doesn’t love big, fluffy pillows?

I’ve had to resist the urge to add on two more tiny pillows to our bed to make it an even ten. I kid, I kid. No need to roll your eyes, not many people have Pillow Problems, but if you feel like your life is lacking and needs a bit of sprucing ~ I suggest a few pillows.

If your life still needs sprucing after you sprinkle your house with the afore-mentioned pillows, I suggest that you invite us over and let Maggie and Sydney crawl all over your pillows. Sydney will teach you how to snore on them and Maggie will flash her huge eyes towards you….and I promise all will be well in your world.