This morning when the Easter Bunny showed up on our doorstep it looked suspiciously like a little girl that had TWO birthday parties this weekend and is one year old, plus a few days.
Of all the gifts that this Birthday Girl/Easter Bunny chose to attach herself to, on this morning after presents rained down on her, was our old, old iPod from 2004. She kept looking at it like she was going to check her e-mail or send an important message to her friends.
In an attempt to trade out the old, old iPod for a new, new toy this is what happened: Square Mouth.
So we let her play with it and she showed us that the backlight still works and we’ve got an option to have our calendar information stored on the small device.
In return for letting her keep the iPod, she shot us some extra cheesy looks and wiggled her cute toes, all while holding on to the white Pod. Oh, brother.
Not one to be left out of the action, Sydney dragged herself to our shooting location and hopped into place to have a few shots taken. Of course she needed to have a prop too, since Mags got the almighty iPod. Mr. P. did the job just fine, don’t you think?