I got to take some gorgeous pictures of my friend Molly and her family a couple weeks ago. I’ve known Molly since we were kids and we’ve always had a shared sense of humor and she’s somebody that really sees how fun and funny life can be. In taking their pictures, and looking over them later, I really was touched by how obvious is that Molly and her husband, Bill, love their two kids. Joy is seeping out from nearly every image. Here are a few of my favorite images.
Megan, Jamie & Talisa
My beautiful cousin Megan is my eldest girl cousin on my mom’s side of the family. We’re similar in that we both take after the Lowman side of the family and we tend to be bossy in the very best of ways. We have an on-going joke about how Megan (and the other cousins she bossed around (ha, ha!) formed a Cousin’s Club when we were younger. Danielle, Megan’s younger sister, and I were not invited into the club. Now that I’m grown, I’m pretty sure that Danielle and I would have been co-presidents of the club and that’s why Megan said we couldn’t be in the club. Anyhow, Megan asked if I’d take some pictures of her with her step-daughter and her step-daughter’s partner. I love how they turned out.
The Suitcase Chronicles
For quite a long time now, my mom has had this old green suitcase stored in my old bedroom at my parent’s house. It doubles as a toy box and most kids that come to visit know where they can get anything from dinosaurs to wooden blocks. I’ve had it in the back of my head, probably since Maggie was a toddler, that I wanted to somehow use it as a photo prop. I’d also found a gorgeous white dress at a thrift store for $4 a number of months ago, again wanting to try to get some pictures of Maggie in it before I let her run wild in it.
As I’ve already posted, one thing lead to another recently and we got to have a bit of fun with the camera, dress, and suitcase. On the way out the door, I grabbed my dad’s stuffed dog, Tigger. My grandma thinks tigger came from a church rummage sale when my dad was a little boy. When I was a kid, my dad always made Tigger and his old bear talk to us, but he’d have to translate what they said because they always whispered in his ear. Seemed old Tigger enjoyed getting brought outside for some pictures as well.
I’ve got one more batch from this night to share….