4 Months Old ~ Audrey Bell

audrey bell

She the littlest chicken in our tribe and she is also the most laid back, maybe because she is forced to go with the flow more often than not. Just last night she feel asleep in the middle of cooing at herself in the mirror. This is the second time that she’s fallen asleep on her own without any shusshing, nursing or rocking. To this day, Barry and I can remember exactly ONE time that Maggie fell asleep on her own. We don’t mean to compare, but in terms of sleep, we’ve got two very different children so far.

Audrey also started laughing and now Maggie does the silliest of things to hear the heartwarming giggle. Audrey has also figured out who her big sister is and spends lots and lots of time watching what Maggie is doing. When we recently noticed how good Audrey is at holding her head up during tummy time (And by the way, who likes tummy time???), Maggie was overjoyed that Audrey finally learned something that she had taught her.

The sisters adore one another….I’ve got an ongoing list of the different names that Maggie has called Audrey so far: Little Meatball, Little Missy, Little Girl (sounds like Lil Goi), Little Fellow, Little Biscuit, Little Chubby One, Little Miss, Auge, Little Darling, Darling, and Google.

Audrey has also found her hands this month and is practicing grabbing, grabbing, grabbing. She is a very mouthy baby, so all things must be tested in the mouth, too. When we give her a bath, if I can convince Maggie to wait a bit before we dump the water on her tummy, she kicks, kicks, and kicks like a little fish. A water baby for sure. 

Right now Audrey’s very favorite thing to do is to lay on her back and get pulled into a sitting and then standing position. By the time she makes it all the way up, she has the most proud look on her face and wants everybody to notice! She squawks, yells, coos and generally talks a ton and is more interested in face-time than mirror-tiime. I don’t blame her, I like to talk to people too!

Random facts: 

Height: 26 inches

Weight: 14lbs 15 oz

Diaper size: 2

Clothes sizes: 3-6 months. I still squeeze her into the 3 month onsies sometimes, but we’ve gotten out some of the 6 month ones as well. 

**Scroll all the way down for a comparison of the girls at 4 months. **

audrey audrey 3 monthsaudrey two monthsAudrey one monthAudrey four weeksAudrey Three WeeksAudrey two weeksAudrey One Week Old

Audrey One Day Old

audreymaggie mae