Audrey Bell: Day Thirty

audrey 6 months

“We’ll eat you up, we love you so!” is one of my favorite parts of Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are” and it sums up how I feel about Audrey these days – both the girls, really. Maggie is on the edge of starting preschool and I can’t help but feel bittersweet about it. And Audrey? She’s such a gem….happy, happy, happy. The sure-fire way to get her to laugh is to have Maggie bonk heads with her. She seriously starts laughing when Maggie swizzles her puff of hair near or rams her head into Audrey’s. 

I look forward to writing a bit more after this portrait project is done, but for now just a few sentences will do. 

Same shirt different decade in today’s photos. There I am with my mom on my Grandpa Lowman’s boat. If that shirt fit me today, you better believe that I’d still wear it! Thank goodness Audrey looks dandy in it. 

Hannah & Mom on boat

Audrey Bell: Day Twenty-Nine

audrey bell 6 months

Long day today.  We went up to The Valley for a birthday party and ended up visiting some other friends on our way out of town. By the time we got home, nearly everybody was ready for bed! Here are a few things on my mind: 

1. Most of the time I write on our blog about our family and that means that our friends don’t really get acknowledged. Both Barry and I grew up in small towns and this means that some of our very best friends are ones that we met practically in infant-hood. This is not an exaggeration. I’ve mentioned time and time again that I’m thankful for my girlfriends, and I can’t say that I’ve ever mentioned that I’m equally grateful for Barry’s friends and their wives. I feel weird even saying “Barry’s friends”  or “my girlfriends” because truthfully they’re all OUR friends. Today was a day that I was reminded that we’ve got lots of good people in our lives. Make new friends…..but keep the old……

2. It’s nectarine season and I’m thrilled. My favorite fruit in the entire world.

3.  I can’t stop listening to David Archuleta’s “Everybody Hurts,” Miley Cyrus’ “We Can’t Stop” and Alex Boye’s cover of ‘ “Ho Hey”.  Watch David, Miley & Alex.