Maggie Loves Sydney

Waking up at our house is sometimes a relaxing experience. We often have nice music playing and good smells filling up our home. Other times waking up at HBHQ is the opposite of relaxing. Sometimes there are tears and bad smells.

More often than not Mags wakes up making happy noises and likes to contemplate her day for a few minutes before she busts out of bed. I’m kind of the same way, it takes me a second to wake up. Barry is a combo of both, sometimes relaxing for a second or two and sometimes his feet are already moving before they have hit the floor.

Sydney, on the other hand, the poor, lazy dog, doesn’t get a chance to decided if she is going to wake up slow or get a move on. This is due to the fact that Miss Maggie “I  Love My Dog”  Miller has decided that spending her first moments after waking with Syd are a great way to start a day. Sydney has yet to be totally convinced.


Before we had Maggie we would take Syd for an early morning and evening walk, but things got switched around once Maggie showed up on the scene and the poor pug has been missing out on her double-a-day walks. We’ve  recently gotten back into the swing of things, it only took us 9 months.

On the days that it isn’t raining Maggie, Syd and I walk with Barry to work and it is a great way to start our day together. However, when the time comes to leave Barry at work, Sydney is always a bit confused and depressed. She’ll sit down and look mournfully at Barry as he trudges to work. Sadly, I think it’s a bit funny to see that she’s so concerned about Barry going a different direction.

We’ve also reinstated the evening stroll and I think I may have forgotten how much I love this time with my husband. Sometimes we spend our time talking about details of the day, other times we talk only of our daughter or our silly dog. But bit by bit the conversation unravels itself until we’ve either found ourselves back home or back to our car with chilly hands, a happy Pug and a baby anxious to get her own evening “walk” in.

On Sharing Food and Such

Sydney typically leads a very charmed life. It is full of naps, walks, slumber parties at Camp Janet, snacks, games and tons of pets. She is a very loved dog.  Her feelings towards Maggie are slowly evolving into ones of love and understanding, I just know it.

The other day I mentioned that Maggie’s favorite hangout is under the table – standing and screeching. Well, today I think she discovered yet another place to pass some time.

Syd’s food and water dish area is the newest, coolest place for 8 month old babies to hang out. I have a feeling that when any of Maggie’s friends come over she’ll show them the ropes.

These shots are a bit blurry because I was laughing so hard.

Turns out that I’m the parent that likes to photograph their kid making a mess – but I could see where it was headed and just decided to let it happen. Plus this was happening about two feet away:

Poor Sydney. I think that she looks just pitiful. I also think that she’s secretly thankful that Maggie has yet to discover her snack stash.

After the water dish got spilled, Maggie was in hog-heaven….or was it pug-heaven. I’m not sure.

The funniest part of this all? Right after I changed Maggie out of her soggy clothes, she was right back at Syd’s eating station.

I’m starting to wonder if Sydney is going to call in some reinforcements if Maggie continues to mess with the whole food set up.  Either that or she’ll need to take a long vacation at Camp Janet to release some of the stress this has caused.