Waking up at our house is sometimes a relaxing experience. We often have nice music playing and good smells filling up our home. Other times waking up at HBHQ is the opposite of relaxing. Sometimes there are tears and bad smells.
More often than not Mags wakes up making happy noises and likes to contemplate her day for a few minutes before she busts out of bed. I’m kind of the same way, it takes me a second to wake up. Barry is a combo of both, sometimes relaxing for a second or two and sometimes his feet are already moving before they have hit the floor.
Sydney, on the other hand, the poor, lazy dog, doesn’t get a chance to decided if she is going to wake up slow or get a move on. This is due to the fact that Miss Maggie “I Love My Dog” Miller has decided that spending her first moments after waking with Syd are a great way to start a day. Sydney has yet to be totally convinced.