It Never Gets Old

I really enjoy finding Sydney wrapped up in a blanket snoozing away, but it is really hard to resist interrupting her snooze to give her some pets. I’ve discovered that she’ll sleep though a few pats and pokes, but as soon as I quietly get up to walk away she looks at me wondering why I’ve stopped. So, I keep petting and she’s content once again.


Are You Loving It?

This is a perfect picture of what Sydney looks like when she has made her way onto someone’s lap and is getting her pets. Her eyes are closed and she is l-o-v-i-n-g life.

As you can see, Barry doesn’t seem super upset that he’s got a 19.6 pound pup on his lap. I’m guessing by the look on Barry’s face that he is l-o-v-i-n-g life just as much.

Relocating the Office

This is Sydney.

This is Sydney’s office. She once put hours and hours in at this location.

But a better office appeared and she jumped at the chance to work at the new location.

Don’t worry, she’s putting in even more hours in her new office. She has so much more room do get things done.