Sydney takes a bath

I know this makes two dog posts in a row, but I couldn’t help myself. I was finishing up some work in the office, when I heard some noises coming from out in the hallway. Upon further investigation I found our dog sitting in the bathtub waiting to be noticed.

I Know That Dog!

1. Sydney will wait for the last person to get home. No matter what.

2. She thinks she can “hide” from us when it is time to go on a walk

3. She likes to go fast. Even so, we still need to hold tight.

Chew Toy

I get the impression that Sydney is tired of our old couch, and would prefer that we enter the couch market sooner rather than later. She’s chewing on a bone in the picture below, but she decided to rough up the couch a bit before that. You can see some of the carnage in the foreground.