We’re working on it. The house, parenting, our marriage, healthy living, etc. We’re really working on it. Barry has recently added a commute to his life with a new job and we’re trying to find the balance of what means, because after 3.5 years of working two minutes from home, it is certainly an adjustment. We haven’t fine-tuned anything, but we’re working to make it the best situation for or family. Since the commute takes time away from our beloved family time, we’ve started to puppy-guard our weekends and how we choose to spend our time.
It is ever-so-tempting to run errands or high-five one another while we each try to finish prospective projects, the other one with the kids. We did that for a while and most Sunday evenings we were all grouchy and bummed out because we didn’t get the time together that we all value and need to re-charge for the week.
We’re learning to say ‘no’ more and ‘yes’ to what works best for us. And last night, after the girls were asleep, Barry and I shared a slice of pie and reflected on our weekend. It was the first time in a long time that we didn’t lose part of our Saturday because we ‘had’ to run some errands or do some ‘important’ task. We busted out the sidewalk chalk, ate our lunches on the stoop, mowed the lawn, and only really left home to go to a Frozen party (which was awesome!) and I met a friend for a walk.
We’re working on it….this time management thing.