Wash Time

Sydney doesn’t like her toys to get washed. She becomes very anxious without them.

Worried Pug

There comes a point where she’s the only one willing to touch them.


Sydney is a very impatient pug when waiting for her toys to be washed….imagine how she feels when it’s her turn.

Waiting for those toys

Free Chew Toy = Disgusting

Sydney has found many, many items on the walks we go on. Most recently she found a bone. It is disgusting, but she L-O-V-E-S it. At one point Barry threw it away, but he had to go on a recovery mission because she looked so sad and droopy without the disgusting thing.

Free Toy

86 and Counting

shrimpy midgeYesterday the Lowman/Rabin/Elvrum crew rounded up to celebrate Midge’s 86th birthday. Typically, we go somewhere and spend a few days playing games, eating and simply enjoying being related to such a remarkable woman.

Those of us that decided not to go to Hawaii or be flooded, in met up at Chuckanut Manor for delicious food and good times.  There are many, many things I love about all my  grandparents, and one of my most favorite traits that they all possess is the shrimpsability to laugh and to include others in the joke.

Midge was the star of the afternoon and even at one point told a hilarious story about Mike that had us rolling with laughter…and Mike really was the butt of the joke*.

Oh, I digress. We spent a couple hours playing musical chairs in order to touch base with different relations, reflect on the past (insert Cousins’ Club comment here) and honor our amazing grandma!

G & ISpeaking of Grandma Lowman, in the picture with Barry and Jamey I made the comment to Barry that she was such a shrimp only to be shocked that I am really no more than a breath taller than that woman!

Fine by me, I’ll take after Midge any old day….

*denotes inside joke.