I know this makes two dog posts in a row, but I couldn’t help myself. I was finishing up some work in the office, when I heard some noises coming from out in the hallway. Upon further investigation I found our dog sitting in the bathtub waiting to be noticed.
I Know That Dog!
Handsomest Grandson-in-law
The dispute is over. Which dispute, you ask? Handsomest grandson-in-law*. I received confirmation of the fact in writing today. I should probably frame the note and put it up at the office. Hey, the title of most anything is cool, right? Well, maybe the title of most self serving post ever isn’t a title I really want, but I’m willing to live with it.
* Denotes Elvrum side. Currently, I am the only grandson-in-law on the Elvrum side. Let’s not split hairs though.