Itching & a Scratching

For those of you coming to the impending nuptials (those 5 of you that read our blog, we thank you for your readership) please be aware that mosquitosare going to be out in full force once the sun goes down. We’ll have a variety of things to ward those buggers off, but please be sure to bring other clothes to either change into or layer up. We want you to be able to enjoy the events, especially Spoonshine!


The day that we moved into our new house my grandpa pointed out the fact that our french doors needed to be refinished. That next week he sent over stain and some steel wool……subtle suggestion.  The few months that we’ve lived here a lot has happened for both us and my grandpa; however, each time we see him he asks worriedly if we’ve done the door without him. Of course we hadn’t.

So, Grandapa came over and we sanded and stained the door together. At one point he was lying, curled into a ball, (I’m sorry I don’t have a picture of this)on his back sandpapering with the electric sander.  I asked if I could help, but alas, the sand paper machine is similar to a lawnmower so I didn’t get to touch the thing. I was free to use the steel wool at my leisure.

Sue & Grandma showed up and made a super yummy lunch. I tried to invite Grandpa back this week to see if he wanted to do something else in hopes that the lunch crew would also come, but they all politely declined.

All in all, our doors look much better thanks to Grandpa Elvrum. As much work as we put in, Sydney has been trying her best to beat the heat by hiding if she thinks it is too hot to get some exercise. I couldn’t find her the other day, as she has found some pretty good hiding places under the guest bed and under her bed. Lazy dog, unlike that Grandpa of mine.

Ridin’ Transit

I’ve been reading a lot about how Seattle needs a light rail system so people are able to get out of their cars and onto public transit. This is supposed to be an improvement over the current bus system. I’m definitely a bigger fan of the Sounder train than I am of the bus system. The trains run on time and they only have to contend with the occasional mudslide during the rainy season. Okay, this is the Northwest. I should probably say the occasional mudslide during the heavy rainy season, but this is beside the point.

Today, I wanted to go to Fremont after work to listen to a presentation from a new Seattle company called OneHub. This presented a bit of a problem for me because I work downtown and the Fremont neighborhood isn’t exactly walking distance. This also means that my normal commuter train routine wouldn’t work. Initially, I thought I would take the commuter bus from Lynnwood but that would mean taking a bus to Fremont for the presentation and then back to downtown to get home. This isn’t exactly the quickest route. Plan B would be to drive to Fremont and then take the bus from there to work which seemed decent until I realized that I could try and take advantage of the bus system that is so badly in need of an upgrade if you read the papers.

To my surprise, there was a Metro Bus Park and Ride just up the street from our house and there were buses heading downtown every 15 minutes. The frequency of the buses was actually the surprising part. That’s pretty convenient I thought to myself, but a little too easy. Why not try and do this without a cell phone (accidentally forgotten at home)?

It was actually pretty smooth. I got to work without any problems and I was able to get to Fremont, catch a bus from Fremont to Shoreline and transfer back onto the bus to bring me to my car at the Park and Ride. Pretty smooth. Pretty easy. I’ve got to start using the Metro system more often. And yes, I did just make a monster post about riding the bus. Pretty exciting things happening for me today.