
The day that we moved into our new house my grandpa pointed out the fact that our french doors needed to be refinished. That next week he sent over stain and some steel wool……subtle suggestion.  The few months that we’ve lived here a lot has happened for both us and my grandpa; however, each time we see him he asks worriedly if we’ve done the door without him. Of course we hadn’t.

So, Grandapa came over and we sanded and stained the door together. At one point he was lying, curled into a ball, (I’m sorry I don’t have a picture of this)on his back sandpapering with the electric sander.  I asked if I could help, but alas, the sand paper machine is similar to a lawnmower so I didn’t get to touch the thing. I was free to use the steel wool at my leisure.

Sue & Grandma showed up and made a super yummy lunch. I tried to invite Grandpa back this week to see if he wanted to do something else in hopes that the lunch crew would also come, but they all politely declined.

All in all, our doors look much better thanks to Grandpa Elvrum. As much work as we put in, Sydney has been trying her best to beat the heat by hiding if she thinks it is too hot to get some exercise. I couldn’t find her the other day, as she has found some pretty good hiding places under the guest bed and under her bed. Lazy dog, unlike that Grandpa of mine.