July found me taking lots of shorts trips on my bike. Most of the trips consisted of daily commutes to and from work, but several jaunts to the store were also mixed in. It hasn’t felt like I’ve spent that much time on my bike compared to my time spent commuting to Seattle earlier in the challenge, but I ended up with a decent little mileage count at the end of the month.
July Results
Driving: 21.6 miles
Riding: 53 miles
Walking: 15 miles
Leg Powered: 68 miles
With one month left in the challenge I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of posting more bicycle commuting miles than solo driving miles.
Overall Results
Driving: 766.2
Riding: 792.51
Walking: 111
Leg Powered: 903.51
September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, and June logs