Audrey Bell: Ten Months Old

 audrey ten months

Audrey Bell, 

Here we are at ten months in. Time has flown. You’re into everything and high-tale it around our house trying to see what we’re all up to. The other night you practically dove into the bathtub to be with your sister and tonight you were upset that we were all eating without you, so you crawled over to where your high chair usually is and sat there with your hands out waiting for food. You’d already eaten dinner while we cooked, so I figured you weren’t hungry anymore and were happy enough to play while we ate. I couldn’t have been more wrong. You wanted in on the action and you knew exactly where you were supposed to be. 

You don’t miss much and I love that about you. If you hear my voice in the other room you peg-leg crawl to find me and when you arrive, you give me the biggest smile and ‘oh’ face. We’re pretty sure that you make a sound that sounds a lot like “mama” when you see me or I hold you, but I’m not quite ready to say it’s your first word. You definitely have sounds for things, like Sydney. It wasn’t until Sydney was at Grandma and Grandpa’s for a few days that we realized how close the two of you really are. We  noticed that you were looking over the edge of your high chair as you dropped food….wondering why she wasn’t on stand-by with her mouth open down there. 

This past month was the first time that you went on an airplane and you did pretty well. It was a short flight to California, where we went to Disneyland for the week. Aside from throwing a  container of Cheerios all over the plane, you were a very happy little baby. At Disneyland you were held the entire time and I’m certain that by the time we made it back to the hotel each afternoon, you were ready for a break…from us!! 

You still love to fall asleep in your Dad’s arms. He has the magic touch with you and to see him carry you around is so sweet – he’s such a proud papa. You don’t like to fall asleep with me unless you’re nursing and so when you see him, you practically dive out of my arms and into his. Most nights while I”m putting Maggie to bed, he walks around the house with you and by the time I wander down the hallway, you’re sleeping soundly in his arms. 

You’re really good at waving to people and you work pretty hard to make sure people notice you. You’ve become a favorite to many of the parents at Maggie’s preschool, they make a point to swing their faces in front of yours to get a ‘good morning’ smile. You are such a happy, sweet, loving baby and I think people pick up on that. When you get frustrated, which isn’t often, it doesn’t last long and we can usually figure out what’s wrong (more food is often the case…). 

You’ve started to pull yourself into the standing position, but since Maggie is often near to entertain you, it isn’t something you do too often. One of your favorite games, we discovered after a trip to Harrison Hot Springs, is a continuation of ‘jumping’ into the pool. You sit on the edge of something (a bed, couch, bench) and we hold our arms out and count “Audrey, oooonnnneee, twoooo, threeeee!!!” and by the time we get to three you have the biggest smile on your face and you slide off whatever edge your sitting on. When we go swimming, you have no problem going under water and love sitting on the edge while ‘jumping’ to us, so it’s no wonder you love this game, too. I’m guessing that you’ve got quite the adventurous side….

You’ve started to wear some 12 month clothes, size 3 shoes, and size 3 diapers. 

It’s hard to believe that you were still in my tummy a year ago and now you’re here….making sure that we keep our floor clean and don’t get too much sleep. 

We love you so, Augie. 



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