Do You Want To Build a Snowman?



We woke up last week with a dusting of a few inches of snow in our yard and basically spent a large part of our day out in our front and back yard. Maggie was ecstatic and was busy working in her ‘snow bakery’ before we all had our shoes on. After seeing these pictures, I think I officially need to retire Barry’s brown plaid coat. It is damn comfortable, but holy puffiness. (Lara, maybe we should both donate the puffy coats together??).

We also have been blasting the “Frozen” soundtrack through our house for the last month or so. As I’ve written before, I’ve struggled with the “disney” life, but I really, really loved that movie. More specfically, I love that the movie is all about sisters. I also think it’s the first time that Maggie has really connected music to a story. I have some pre-teen memories of creating massive dances to “Aladdin” and “The Lion King” with my friends, and I’m deciding I’m all for anything that my girls choose to be interested in that’ll keep them being kids for as long as possible. Lately, that means that we’re really enjoying “Frozen” so much so that we took Mags to the sing-along version. It was magnificant because there were a bunch of girls there, maybe 12 years old, standing in the aisle beltting out the songs at show-tune volume. It was so cool that they weren’t embarrassed or afraid to do that.

**Mom, as you look at all these snowy pictures, take a long look around where you’re at and take a deep breath. Enjoy it while you can because the snow might have melted, but it’s freakin’ cold still.

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One Reply to “Do You Want To Build a Snowman?”

  1. Super curious what other Disney movies you’ve watched with kids. We’ve watched (Jap-animation) “My Neighbor Totoro” (slightly scary the first time, but a mellow, good movie) and “Ponyo” (a little scarier, but still good and mellow), “Cars” (WAY too “old” for my kids…that movie is 20% for kids, 80% for adults…). We watched a couple, cheesy family animal movies that always turn out to have a bad guy (re: SCARY), and “Charlotte’s Web” which Juniper declared “The scariest movie in the whole round world” and never wants to see it again. Also watched a Tinker Bell movie with awful animation and questionable social drama, but otherwise okay. ANYWAY, I’d love some good movie recommendations appropriate for preschoolers! I’ve heard Frozen was good with lots of songs (that’s ALWAYS good in our house). Does it have any scary, overly-dramatic or “mean” parts? I’d really like to move beyond “My Neighbor Totoro”, as awesome as it is (also about sisters).

    P.S. Snow love! So fun to see. My kids would probably be outside at the break of dawn if we had grass and mud : )

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