Trip to A-Town

At the start of the month Barry went to Boston for a week for work. We typically tag-along with him for work-related travel, but this time there were a few factors that made the cross-country trip seem less desirable than being home and single parenting for a week. I split the week in half and headed up to Anacortes for the second half, and I’m so very glad I did. Single- parenting, specifically bedtime, was not one of the easier things I’ve done. I jokingly warned my mom and dad that they might want to have a glass of wine poured for me upon my arrival at their house. It wasn’t half bad, but I really did come to realize that even on the longest days that Barry is at work, those hours that he is home are very, very crucial to our family dynamic.

Not every household is like this, I met a woman recently who has a husband that travels Monday thru Friday almost all time. Call me a wimp, tell me I’m spoiled, but that sounds utterly exhausting.

The following pictures document some of our time in Anacortes. My mom was able to spend most of the time with us, which I am thankful for. The weather cooperated and we got some good time outside…

audrey fidget mom audrey maggie at grammys-3 audrey maggie at grammys-4 audrey maggie at grammys-5 audrey maggie at grammys audrey on rock audrey swing-2 audrey swing-3 audrey swing fidget audrey tag hannah maggie audrey mama 2 hannah maggie audrey mama maggie at whidbey beach maggie ocean maggie on rock maggie swing-2 maggie swing-3 maggie swing maggie tube anacortes-2 maggie tube anacortes-3 maggie tube anacortes mom and audrey mom and audrey1 mom and audrey2-2 mom and audrey2 mom and girls phil genevieve-2 phil genevieve-3 phil genevieve-4 phil genevieve whidbey beach-2 whidbey beach

audrey maggie at grammys-2

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