My friend, Clove, recently did a post where she flashed on some picutes of the past year and wondered if she’d rememberd to enjoy herself and take it all in. It spurred me to take a quick trip down memory lane to see where we were the last fie years. And I laughed because the last five years have been a whirl wind of pregnancy and babies. So, here we were before ANY of that. We went camping with Brian and Darcy and we probably hardly packed a thing… and wet suits. I got pregnant with Maggie shortly after.
And then here we are the following summer. Barry’s cousin got married and it was probably the first time we’d actually put on real clothes as a whole family since Maggie’s birth. I remember nursing in the car and in the bridal suite, but needing to practically take my entire dress off. Ugh.
One year after that and I was done nursing Maggie and back to feeling a bit more rested and working out. (Hallelujah!) This was the summer that Barry did some heavy-duty training for is half Ironman and was also in charge of a big project at work. Maggie and I went to North Dakota for two weeks to celebrate my grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary….it was a fun, busy summer.
The following summer, and just two years ago, I was pregnant with Audrey and feeling sicky-poo. We’d gone to San Diego and I proceeded to feel nauseous the entire trip. I don’t remember much of that time, I was getting ready to go back to work in September and it was the first time that Maggie would be cared for by somebody that was not a family member.
And then last year. We were on a road trip to Montana for a couple weeks and it was a delightful trip in the sense that we outlawed any driving with the girls more than 2 hours for a while. But two kids! A year ago Audrey wasn’t crawling and was hardly eating real food. Maggie hadn’t started preschool yet and Barry hadn’t changed jobs.
Here we are most recently at Maggie’s birthday party a couple months ago. Since that picture was taken Maggie has finished her first year of preschool, Audrey has learned to run, Barry has started a job he loves, and I keep thinking I’m on the brink of being done nursing. We’ll have to get a more updated picture, but it’s pretty fun to get an idea of where we’ve been the past five years. Life certainly hasn’t been dull and not a single year matches another year. And dang, we’re happy.
Love this! And I remember all of it except the first photo (crazy, huh?). Good idea. Hmmm….