Thirty Before Thirty: Revised

1. Run in a race. (Um……running?)

2. Update camera.

3. Invite all the ladies in my family over. (Nope not yet)

4.  Bake bread from scratch and really enjoy it.

5. Buy a punch card at the pool and use it within 6 months.

6. Write 3 people a letter a month.

7. Road trip, AU style… a perfect world in another country, but USA will do. The economy stinks.

8. Oregon Coast for 10 days with Barry & Sydney.

9.  Expand Team HB. (April, 2010)

10. Have parents over.

11. Make a quilt. (At least joined Quilt Group and they let me photograph it.)

12.  Buy everything locally for 1 month. (Think farmers market).

13. Blog daily for 1 month.

14. Run 3x a week for at least 3 months in a row. (Again, running?)

15. Paint a picture that I like enough for others to see. (I’m counting my photos.)

16. Begin reading War & Peace. (Still looking for a book group. Anyone?)

17.  Make delicious sushi. (Boy, I sure ate enough sushi….)

18. Invite grandparents over to enjoy home-cooked meal.

19. Pop Clothes Balloon (Barry might not agree.)

20.  six. (This one is between me and, well, me.)

21. Finish the wedding album.

22. Grandma& Grandpa Elvrum are 50 years older than me. Document their 80 at 80 list. 80 special moments. Midge too.

23. Be more like Barry; trash collecting, compliment giving, open-minded, patient, caring….the list goes on forever, and ever.

24. Spend time with my brothers….okay, okay, beat them at Settlers.

25. Paint kitchen. (This should go on a list with the title “Home Improvement” but I’m putting it here because I can.

26. Eat breakfast for 10 days in a row. (I’ve always hated breakfast, but “they” say that you shouldn’t skip the first meal of the day. By the way, who is “they”?)

27. Go to a concert (oh, please Dixie Chicks!) , a play and a local musical performance.

28. NB

29. Work  on a specific part of the garden that I can be proud about. (At least I’m proud of my dad’s work.)

30. Plan a rockin’ 30th birthday and get ready for the roarin’ 3oth year!

3 Replies to “Thirty Before Thirty: Revised”

  1. So…I made a 30 for 31 list after being inspired by your list last year. I must say, I have not been doing good at all…That is to say: AWESOME JOB! Your year seems well spent!

  2. I actually made my list of 26 just yesterday while thinking of you 🙂 how funny. You made great headway it seems. I’m impressed and proud! well done

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