For a couple years in college I lived in a townhouse with three other girls and it was one of the best times in my life. We named our house The Palace and cemented friendships that will last a lifetime. Nicole was the only other person in the house that stayed for both years, just as I did. There are many, many stories that could be told about that time in our lives, but the end of those stories are all the same – Nicole and I always have fun together.
She came to visit me while I was living/working in Delware/New Jersey and we went up to New York – days before September 11th. We also road tripped to California together, listening to mixed CDs that we made from our downloaded music from Naptster – way before iTunes.
Jump ahead nearly ten years and we’re both married and both have little tiny babies. Well, Nicole has a little tiny baby and I’ve got Maggie. (As I learned yesterday at Maggie’s 6 month appointment, my child is anything but little.) We took Maggie to meet Caroline last weekend and she is such a doll with tons of hair and a tiny, perfect face!
At first Maggie was shocked that Caroline was so upset. Maggie did some stares and even tried to tug on Caroline’s shirt to comfort her. That didn’t work at all.
So, Maggie did the only thing she knew to do to make Caroline feel better: she started crying too. It was cute in a really babyish type of way.
Maggie’s big girl cries.
Caroline’s little baby cries.
I hardly remember when Maggie was that tiny and I’m sure that Nicole and Josh can hardly imagine what Caroline is going to be like in another 6 months.
Also, Josh took some fancy pictures of us and here is a bit of a teaser. As you can see I am making a really awesome face. I need to learn to stop talking when somebody is taking a photo. Other than that, I love the picture.