Knitting Machine

My Mom has turned in to a knitting machine, With each creation she produces, my desire to learn to knit grows a bit more. I’m not totally convinced that this is the time in my life to learn a new hobby that involves balls of yarn, however.

Maggie was able to help my mom out a few for a few hours while we were all visiting 3G and fell in love with winding her fingers through the balls of yarn and pulling them apart.

I’m thankful that my mom isn’t one of those wild knitters – and you know they are out there (!) –  that gets upset when a darling baby messes up the balls of yarn that were so splendidly organized.

Instead, she just keeps on knitting right through the chaos that a Hooligan named Maggie causes.

Once in a while she’ll stop knitting to ensure that the hat fits just right and Maggie is a perfect model.

Well, perfect in the sense of the word that she knows how to take the hat off.

Sometimes Maggie pulls the hat on her head when she’s really trying to get it off….funny stuff, at least to me.

Anyhow, you get the point: Fidget went and turned into a knitting machine and Maggie is her helper.

Honestly, she has two helpers, but one looks a bit more pitiful than the other.

Did you spot Mopey the Pug?

I think she wants a hat or something….to cover up those wrinkles, of course!

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